I am still trying to figure out this whole ecosystem (been using it for a month or so now). I have 60-70 devices (got a bunch of new zigbee devices). And I get all kinds of entity objects for each one. But they were also showing on my Dashboard and I didn’t want all the extra noise so I used the bulk “Hide” option by checking the box next to a bunch of them.
But I think I want them back now because things aren’t syncing to Alexa the way I expected. But if I want to go re-enable all 367 of them, I have to individually click each entity and do 4 separate clicks to enable each one. That’s well over 1,400 clicks to enable things. There has to be a better way…???
I’m hoping I’m just missing something obvious here. There’s a bulk Enable and Disable. Then a Hide, but did the Unhide just not get included for some reason?