Why is there a "Bulk Hide" option but not a "Bulk Unhide" option for entities?

I am still trying to figure out this whole ecosystem (been using it for a month or so now). I have 60-70 devices (got a bunch of new zigbee devices). And I get all kinds of entity objects for each one. But they were also showing on my Dashboard and I didn’t want all the extra noise so I used the bulk “Hide” option by checking the box next to a bunch of them.

But I think I want them back now because things aren’t syncing to Alexa the way I expected. But if I want to go re-enable all 367 of them, I have to individually click each entity and do 4 separate clicks to enable each one. That’s well over 1,400 clicks to enable things. There has to be a better way…???

I’m hoping I’m just missing something obvious here. There’s a bulk Enable and Disable. Then a Hide, but did the Unhide just not get included for some reason?

+1 for this. I have over 3000 entities of which about 700 are hidden but useful. Impossible to individually unhide them one by one.

Found a way. Edit the core.entity_registry (Take a backup first please)
replace all: “hidden_by”: “user” with “hidden_by”: null
Save it and restart Home Assistant.
Worked for me but this will unhide all previously manually hidden entities. It will not unhide system hidden entities.

Hi could you tell me where I would find core.entity_registry please.

The core.entity_registry file is found in config/.storage. I had to look it up myself and maybe this helps others :slight_smile: