Why is the most useful type of filter not implemented, am I missing something here? Pretty much every device I own that produces data sends out zeros or -999 when it doesn’t get good data. Sometimes this only happens a few times a day, but other times some of these devices will do it for a few minutes at a time. All I want is a simple range filter that instead of clamping the range just ignores any data outside a range.
If someone can point me in the right code area I am sure I can probably figure out how to add it.
It was not ignored, the author was directed to the correct place to open feature requests. Which is here, not the issue tracker. From a quick search it does not appear they opened one.
I use templates for that too, resulting in lots of templatest beside the original sensors. Would indeed be a good thing if we can kind of extend existing sensors with a template that enables us to guard this and probablymore like an correction offset.