Why is this notification dismissal happening in the background?

building on this: Please check correct trigger and id in this automation

I have test automation for finding the correct trigger templates for my persistent_notifications. To see which service_data is used:

  - alias: 'Global persistent notification dismissal notification'
      platform: event
      event_type: call_service
        domain: persistent_notification
        service: dismiss
      service: notify.mobile_app_calltheboss
        title: 'dismissed'
        message: >
          persistent notification with notification_id {{trigger.event.data.service_data.notification_id}}
          was dismissed

without any frontend persistent_notification being created (or at least so I can see) this is firing about very 5 minutes…??

message text is:

persistent notification with notification_id config_entry_discovery was dismissed

Apparently the config discovery going on in the background, creating a persistent notification, which is then auto dismissed somehow. The dismissal is being sensed by the automation, and reported…

Is this a bug in the system, or a unexpected side-effect of an ‘ignore’ for the discovery I set? these kept bugging me:

and now still do, in the background apparently? I would think, setting the ignore fall would truly ignore the discovery, as in prevent. Now it seems to hide it, which is really unwanted, and taking system resources at that.

or would something else be going on

thanks for having a look


The hue integration uses the persistent_notification library.

    if config.modelid == "BSB002" and config.swversion < "1935144040":
            "Your Hue hub has a known security vulnerability ([CVE-2020-6007](https://cve.circl.lu/cve/CVE-2020-6007)). Go to the Hue app and check for software updates.",
            "Signify Hue",

This one looks like it happens on setup, so it probably pops up before lovelace is even fully loaded. My guess is the IPP one is also. So you’ll probably never see the notification? Just a guess.

correct, I never see it.
I only noticed now because I made the automation to give me a notification upon each dismissal.

Ive disabled the IPP because it is flawed in its current state (going unavailable all the time… a bit like Hue :wink: ),

I dont think HA should contantly be creating these hidden persistent_notifications and auto-dismissing them. It should read the ignore flag, and, well, ignore…
would this be per design, or be a bug, in which case I can file an issue


GitHub issue created

commented the Hue remark above, because with 108.4 my Hue integration has suddenly become much more reliable! which is such a relieve. thanks to the team that made that happen!! (fingers crossed this is here to stay…)