Why isn't there a nice clock card for lovelace dashboard?

Why isn’t there a nice clock card for lovelace dashboard?

There is a great custom one.

this really looks nice. thanks mate.

You can also do templates in the markdown card

{% set time = now() %}<h1><ha-icon icon="mdi:clock"></ha-icon>{{time.hour}}:{{'{:0>2d}'.format(time.minute) }}</h1>

yeah i know that, but i’m a fan of analog clocks :smiley:

I would like a super configurable clock card with options like analog/digital, AM/PM/24h, size, font, border size etc.


Agree. The template answer seems good, but tricky for the unititiated. Something out of the box works be nice (and easily customizable hopefully)

Would be also nice to add a simple alarm clock.

I’d like to replace my alarm clock with HA and a custom panel - but would need to be very user friendly for my partner to agree

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