Why move from RPI to Synology?

Hi there,

I’m a noob and wondering why most of you move from RPI to Synology. Furthermore since on synology Hass will run on Docker, how can I run different addon if needed… for example installing ffmpeg for stream camera. Adding domain, add nodered…


Docker include all needed files so need to do additional install on server.

You may run Hass.io in docker if you like to get add-on support.

Why move?
Remove need to manage separate server.
More processing power.
SD Card fails on Rpi get annoying (reliability)

Hi @tmjpugh thanks for the inputs… Which hass.io docker do I need to install? confused on so many docker packages. I’m currently follow synology guide and install homeassistant package. Is there a guide to install hassio? Again thanks

Try this. Worked for someone looking to do same so seems reliable

I manage to install HA with Docker no problem. However its just HA not Hass.io. Hawthorne also having the same problem with hass.io in which have the extra module. So again since I’m not good with docker unsure on how to solve it. Regularly I can easily setup hassbian on my RPI and adding module is easy. Maybe someone have a suggestion? Anyway, thank again @tmjpugh for the assist. Appreciated…

sorry thought they explain hass.io at link.

honestly hass.io is manager/supervisor for docker container. it just install HA as docker container and addons are just more docker container. probably best to install HA and run containers separate for addons.

i read that likely HASS.io likely not able to install synology but maybe search forums. I see people saying they install but this may be their confusion about HA vs HASS.io and they not make distinction.

My biggest problem at the moment is not really understanding Docker which might be confused in the future in installing other containers and connect them together. Which happened a lot in my case. For example how to have my home assistant container running ffmpeg so I will be able to run my CCTV. Again thank you for the help… maybe someone else has the same problem with me and might be able to assist?

Docker container include ffmpeg. It will contain everything needed to run any component.

Only need setup camera component in HA config file to view camera video stream.

Alright @tmjpugh, I will try them… thanks again for all the assist