Why port 554?

I’m integrated my foscam camera’s like this

  # FI9826W/FI9826P
- platform: foscam
  name: camera_gang
  port: 2002
  username: !secret camera_gang_login
  password: !secret camera_gang_psw

# FI9900P
- platform: foscam
  name: camera_garage
  port: 2003
  username: !secret camera_garage_login
  password: !secret camera_garage_psw

Added these to a card and it works fine

But when changing the camera view to “live” I get an error

I think the problem is the port…why is he using 554 instead of 2003 ?

Port 554 is the RTSP port used for streaming video. This is the default port, but apparently the foscam integration also tries to fetch the port from the camera itself.

The port that you configured when setting up the camera (here: 2003) is the port of the camera’s web UI (HTTP).

And how can I resolve this, maybe replacing the port 2003 with 554 ?

Not sure. The error message indicates that the camera’s RTSP stream is not available, so that’s where I would start trouble-shooting, for example:

  • Try open that URL (of course with username and password) in VLC, just to see if there is a stream or not.
  • If there is no stream, check the camera’s configuration and make sure that RTSP is enabled and the port configured is actually 554.

Are you by any chance running Home Assistant 2021.2?

Also, I think configuration of foscam was moved to the UI, so maybe changes made to your yaml configuration won’t be applied.

I opened a stream in VLC using rtsp://username:pwd@IP address: RTSP port/videoMain

And yes, I have a stream…using port 2003

I saw indeed the depreciation of declaring the foscam’s in yaml, so I deleted everything and did it via the UI like this

And yes, problem solved !

The only thing is now that in the modus “live” the image is not always smooth, sometimes there are a few seconds in between the images.

That’s configuration stuff of the camera…any suggestions on that ?

Schermafbeelding 2022-01-05 131203