Why so few Z Wave Plugs?

I’m new into Home Assistant and so far have bought a few Z Wave switches and plugs from one website I found to be pretty good. Double plugs run ~ $30 but I’m shocked there aren’t that many manufacturers out there. I thought there would be way more supply/competition. I wanted to pick up a few single plugs and can’t find anything better than the double plugs despite only wanting singles.

Am I looing in the wrong place? What are other people doing for Z Wave plugs?

Welcome to the community. One thing you need to do regards to Z-Wave devices is let us know what country you are in because there are different frequencies used for Z-Wave in certain regions. Some countries have a better variety of devices available.

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Located in the USA

My preferred brand is Aeotec for how well they work. They do a single plug

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Wow, those are pretty expensive. Zooz $30 double plugs seem more reasonable. Was hoping for something smaller/cheaper. Maybe there’s nothing out there?

Yeah, we don’t have Zooz in Aus.

How about these?

Appreciate the effort. Still nearly $30/ plug which is basically what those zooz double plugs are. Maybe my expectations on price are just off

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Z-Wave is expensive. :sweat_smile: Should have gone the ZigBee route, way cheaper


I’m running HA on a raspberry pi with a usb stick that had z wave and zigbee. I don’t see a reason why I can’t add zigbee plugs. Where are these cheap zigbee plugs?

That’s great. IKEA has some very cheap plugs and Xiaomi as well, there are plenty of others but I only tested the IKEA ones personally.

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As @Burningstone said, the IKEA plugs are good and very well priced (I think they go for anywhere between $8-$12 each). There’s also the Centralite plugs which you can usually find in bulk on eBay (centralite for sale | eBay). Granted, they are now discontinued, but they work great. Centralite also made some good contact and motion sensors are well, so if you can find them on eBay, you should grab those as well for more advanced automation possibilities.

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Monoprice puts their Z wave stuff on sale fairly often. If you just need a couple, the TP Link wifi plugs have worked good for me and you can usually get 3 for <$30. I have a stack of them I usually get out around Christmas time so I dont have to pair/unpair a bunch of Z wave stuff each year. Not sure on multi plug stuff.

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For Zigbee, I’ve been having great luck with Innr SP 224 - you can get a 2-pack for $30ish. I think I’m up to 6 in the house so far and my mesh only looks better since having them.

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Thanks for the tip. I just bought a 4 pack of HIBRO zigbee plugs off amazon. Worked out to about $15/plug. Set two up last night and they seem to work just fine