Why some sensors are not showing in statistic graph card

I have several sensors with similar information.
Since 2021.9 most of them are showing as available for statistics but some don’t?
For example sensor with attributes:

state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: A
friendly_name: Grid I1
device_class: current

is available but:

state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: VA
friendly_name: Instant Power
device_class: power

is not available ???

I think I have found why :slight_smile:
Seems like HA does not like a unit_of_measurement of VA !

This is strange as if I look here core/homeassistant/const.py at 5a2bcd27631c483c2636f918fe312d5090530985 · home-assistant/core · GitHub I see

# Power units
POWER_WATT: Final = "W"

So, normally it should be possible to specify a power in VA ?
If I change the unit to ‘W’ then it works.

I have found here that

unit_of_measurement is just a string and can be anything you want.

This does not seems to be true for long term statistic?
Anyway VA should be a valid unit for power measurement ???