WHY THE HECK can't we freely configure a Cover to interpret its percentage value as "percentage open" or "percentage closed"?

The issue here is that value_template and position_template cannot been set concurrently in a template cover, so HA assumed the cover is open, when position is 100 and cover is closed when position is 0.

I found a “solution” which fits my needs, using two rows in an entities-card, except than just one. The first row uses the original entity, to control the cover with the buttons, the second row shows a slider and uses the template reverse entity, like the one you have:

  - type: entities
      - entity: cover.rollladen_arbeitszimmer
        name: Rollladen
      - entity: cover.revers_rolladen_arbeitszimmer
        type: custom:slider-entity-row
        full_row: true
        hide_state: false

For the slider I use the custom slider-entity-row:

There is another custom card I use, which looks a bit different, but works for me too:

Maybe this helps you to find a solution, that fits your needs :wink:

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