Why the heck is Settings so confusing to navigate?

Ohh, I didn’t even know that there is “Check for updates” under Settings menu…

And Restart is in Settings → System view. Not in under menu dots but just there on the right corner. I didn’t notice this ether and always restarted from Developer Tools → YAML tab…

Looks like the UI is still much bigger mess than I have found so far. Good thing is that it goes better with every release.


That is not where buttons should be placed. This is terrible UI.


I also spent some minutes searching for the “Restart” button :rofl:


It is confusing and also changes, so as a user I have to relearn where some things are located regularly, but I hope that those changes or for the better.

I even keep my UI in english to keep it less confusing.

When I want to add another zigbee device to ZHA I need to go to Devices & Services, then the ZHA integration and then Add devices. In the Settings view, searching for “Add device” does not give a result and searching for “zigbee” lists the scripts that I created myself.
Maybe one could allow the integrations/components define a list of search terms (& relative links) to make the search more efficient. That could be listed in the component’s JSON for instance. ZHA would list “Add device”, “View topology”, “Refresh topology”, etc. to link to the page/service/etc.

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Settings search has pretty much solved this problem for me, and aligns to other systems where I do this (iOS, windows etc)

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One example that is not intuitive to me and had to search the community (System information settings page - Installation / Home Assistant OS - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)) is where to get the system information settings on the hardware. I’d logically think System → About or System → Hardware but as pointed out in this link; it’s System → Repairs → … in top right → System Information. I also tried the shortcut menu but it wasn’t there either.


I think the issue is that all the miscelaneous settings (including those in the menus in the individual settings pages) are always going to be tricky to classify.

Perhaps it simply needs a search functionality? Like how settings works on modern android phones for example.

Yeah I think thats really the point. Why not have it in the stack in the middle of the screen with everything else.

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I created this thread based off not being able to find that exact menu.

Who would think that system information would be categorized under “Repairs”?

It’s pretty clear that the design decisions have been very one-sided and there is a clear disregard for established design guidelines.


Ok, so I have to remember to press c… How do I do that? F for find or S for search would be logical in my world. But C?


“C” as command and “E” as entity, I guess.


After the update with the Restart button, this is what my settings looked like:

I browsed through the settings for an embarrassingly long time before finding the restart button and I’m not even using an ultrawide.


This. As to how to remember it, that’s a typical problem with keyboard shortcuts. HA only has two ( e and c) at least. The tip at the bottom of settings also frequently mentions that you can type c to do commands and e to find entities for this reason.

Anyway I was just pointing out that what you wanted exists. I’m not opposed to a search icon at the top of settings to launch it without remembering to type ‘c’.

I feel like power controls need to be an item in the system menu promoted from the toolbar

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I think one of the problems with that placement is when you select System a list of sub menus appear.

My immediate assumption would be to select one of the menu options. Logically I don’t expect to start looking at an area of the page I wasn’t interacting with to get there.

Restart is also the only action on the System page making it seem like you’re on a menu selection page rather than an action page.

To me it would also make sense for all restarts/reloads to be in the same place.


Another one would be Helpers and People. Even though they’re part of core ultimately they’re integrations. Other core integrations show in the integrations menu so logically I would expect to see and be able to add helpers in the integrations menu.

It could even work something like the zwavejs integration where pressing configure on people in integrations for example would go to the menu for people.

Overall some consistently regarding where settings get placed would help everyone. Another example I come across would be the insteon integration. For zwavejs you go to the integrations menu then click configure but for insteon it’s on the left sidebar.

This ui isn’t consistent and can leave you looking around for settings for quite a long time. This is especially confusing for new users who get familiar with looking in certain places only to find out they now need to go somewhere else to do the same action for another integration.

That’s something you added, it’s not standard. Insteon does not naturally add to the left sidebar.

It appears whenever you add the insteon integration. It’s even shown on the blog post announcing the new insteon features coming to home assistant. https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2022/04/19/for-insteon-users/

HA team must have done it with the intent of making it easy, advance, feature rich but the end user experience is definitely a mess. I have been using it since last 5 years but now it makes it difficult to locate the options, earlier navigation was very-very easy.

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