Why would there be backups in the backup directory that aren't visible in the Backups UI

If I go into the Backups UI there are 5 entries

But if I connect to the backup directory via Samba I have 17 entries totaling almost 27GB

Any thoughts on why there would be such a disparity?

FWIW - I did restart HA to see if the two different interfaces reconciled…they didn’t.

Do you ever delete old backups? I use the Samba Backup add-on, which has a “keep local” option so you can specify how many you want to retain. Without that they accumulate as there isn’t a service to delete them automatically.

As to why you can only see five, I have no idea. I can see all of mine.

The majority of those back-ups look like “full Back-ups” most likely some you did manually(not that this explains why you don’t see them in HA, Unless you have some 3rd part backup, and choosed to store them there.
I would be more worried about the constant increase 100% in 3 month, most likely doo to the DB-Settings