Wi-Fi energy meter + xiaomi smart light

URL: http://ha.iammeter.com:18123/

username: iammeter
password: iammeter

You can remotely switch ON/OFF the three lights and see how the power changes accordingly.

some interesting function of WEM3080
support Home Assistant
integrate to third-party cloud
open api provided

The connection has timed out

The server at ha.iammeter.com is taking too long to respond.

it run in docker of our nas , with ddns mode, it seems the ddns has some problem 2 hours ago, now it is ok.
you can run nslookup ha.iammeter.com vip3.alidns.com to refresh your dns cache.

An open solution for local PV monitoring system with WEM3080T

Home Assistant+ Garafana+ influxDB


Iammeter in Home Assistant
PV monitoring by WEM3080T