Wi Fi module with digital input to connect external sensor

I am looking for wifi hardware module with digital input. The input state 0 or 1 need to be used in Home assistant automation for notification.
Thank you.

You’re really going to have to provide more detail than that for any help. Digital input for what? Off the top of my head, I’d say get an ESP32 and use ESPHome to connect it to Home Assistant. It’s still hard to say exactly what board might meet your need without knowing what you’re trying to do, but here’s one I use all the time:

Hi ivenkov,

You want a door / window sensor?
You can remove the reed switch and use the input for this.
Also a leak detector would work.

Have a look here:

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My target is to measure the level of pellets in bunker. For sensor I think to use photosensor or IR sensors for garage door. The device I’m looking for need to be easily added (integrated) to Home assistant and should allow connect simple sensor. All advice are appreciated and if you see better solution to solve my problem I will be happy to use them. I am new in Home assistant and this is my first steps.

ESPhome is perfect for those sorts of tasks and integrates beautifully with Home Assistant making the whole process very easy.

Shelly UNI?

Seems a little over sized. I guess one of this cheap ESP32-C3 Supermini is all that its necessary :point_down:


Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. I found this light sensor -
Tuya ZigBee/WiFi Light Sensor Intelligent Home Illumination Sensor Brightness Detector Automation Work with Smart life Linkage
and connected it to Home Assistant. For now in laboratory conditions I can control it via a constant light source.
When I install it in the pellet bunker I will write about the result.