I did manage to get the state of charge published on MQTT, but only when I run carscanner at the same time, so clearly that triggers it somehow. I got a bit tired of it all, so I’ve paused my efforts for a bit…
Any idea why I’m not seeing any rx MQTT messages from the wican? Using MQTT Explorer, I see the Online status message, and have tried publishing some of the example tx messages to the wican/my_id/can/tx topic, but don’t get anything in response. I did get a Low Battery mqtt message, after enabling the Sleep and Battery Alert settings. Just not sure why I’m not getting any responses to any requests.
EDIT: Nevermind, it started spamming a thousand messages after starting the engine…
FYI, WiCAN developer @MeatPi has now started a new crowdfunding/crowdsourcing campaign for an updated ”WiCAN Pro” next-generation OBD dongle product that includes an added dedicated CAN bus chip that provides full support for all legislated OBD-II protocols as well as featuring a powered-USB port for hardware addons (including an upcoming ESPNetLink LTE/GPS module for it to allow for real-time location tracking and online data analysis), this one will also have a microSD card slot for data logging:
WiCAN Firmware Update: Improved Support for Home Assistant
First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who has supported the release of WiCAN PRO so far.
Over the past couple of months, I have been working on better integration with Home Assistant, making it easier for you to pull data from your vehicles. My goal is to make the process as seamless as possible. With the new wican firmware, users will be able to simply select their car model and the available parameters will be pushed to Home Assistant over MQTT. I’ve also added a Home Assistant MQTT Discovery option, so all available sensors will be automatically created in Home Assistant. Additionally, users can add their own custom PID requests for even more flexibility. Currently, only a few cars are supported, but I expect the list to grow rapidly.
It’s now easier to support more vehicle models by simply adding a JSON file, allowing users to share their vehicle profiles and contribute to the WiCAN firmware by making a pull request. This improvement is thanks to backer Jay O., who suggested and implemented the idea of having a separate JSON file for each vehicle and using GitHub Actions to merge them into a single file. This merged file will be built into the new firmware version or can be directly uploaded to WiCAN.
Hi Tung, I’m not sure about the first “Signed(X)”. The second one, I would guess (again based on C syntax comparison, that it takes the lower 6 bits of the byte, so basically a number between 0 and 32. Does that make sense for the entity you are trying to compute?
Wonderful to see that the WiCAN works even better with Home Assistant now. And that you can add a new car model very simply.
Is there a list of car models that are already supported?
I am driving a 2017 Opel Ampera-E, It is identical to the GM Bolt 2017. Is any of those already working?