My solution, but looking for a better one!
The widgets displayed in my dashboard.
To get here you need to setup the HA switch.
As a switch we can see the attributes if we click on the switch but they are not accessible until we pull them out as sensors.
> switch.garage_miner on current_power_w: 883.94
> total_energy_kwh: 175.246
> voltage: 111.0
> current_a: 7.97
> today_energy_kwh: 8.079
> friendly_name: Garage Miner
So in HA we need a new sensor: tpsensor.yaml
- platform: template
name: Garage_Miner
friendly_name: "Amps"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_miner.attributes["current_a"] | replace(" A", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'A'
friendly_name: "Watts"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_miner.attributes["current_power_w"] | replace(" W", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
friendly_name: "Current KiloWatts"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_miner.attributes["total_energy_kwh"] | replace(" kW", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
friendly_name: "Today's KiloWatts"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_miner.attributes["today_energy_kwh"] | replace(" kW", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
friendly_name: "Current Voltage"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_miner.attributes["voltage"] | replace(" V", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
friendly_name: "Amps"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_2_right.attributes["current_a"] | replace(" A", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'A'
friendly_name: "Watts"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_2_right.attributes["current_power_w"] | replace(" W", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
friendly_name: "Current KiloWatts"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_2_right.attributes["total_energy_kwh"] | replace(" kW", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
friendly_name: "Today's KiloWatts"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_2_right.attributes["today_energy_kwh"] | replace(" kW", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
friendly_name: "Current Voltage"
value_template: '{{ states.switch.garage_2_right.attributes["voltage"] | replace(" V", "") | float }}'
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
Now we have 10 new sensors. (2 switches)
sensor.tp_link_amps 7.93 unit_of_measurement: A
friendly_name: Amps
sensor.tp_link_amps_2 5.04 unit_of_measurement: A
friendly_name: Amps
sensor.tp_link_kw 175.354 unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: Current KiloWatts
sensor.tp_link_kw_2 119.239 unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: Current KiloWatts
sensor.tp_link_kw_today 8.187 unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: Today's KiloWatts
sensor.tp_link_kw_today_2 5.394 unit_of_measurement: kWh
friendly_name: Today's KiloWatts
sensor.tp_link_volts 111.3 unit_of_measurement: V
friendly_name: Current Voltage
sensor.tp_link_volts_2 114.7 unit_of_measurement: V
friendly_name: Current Voltage
sensor.tp_link_watts 882.1 unit_of_measurement: W
friendly_name: Watts
sensor.tp_link_watts_2 577.03 unit_of_measurement: W
friendly_name: Watts