WiFi Device Unblock/Current State broken after UniFi Controller v7.2.95 Upgrade

I recently upgraded my UniFi Controller to v7.2.95 and noticed that WiFi devices that are monitored in HA no longer show the proper state of the device (blocked/unblocked) and, no matter what, when I flip the switch, the device is blocked and can only be unblocked from the UniFi console/mobile app.

Running HASSIO VM:

HA is 2022.11.2
Supervisor 2022.10.2
OS is 9.3

I tried reconfiguring the integration, but same symptom.

Any other data I can provide?

Anyone else seeing this?

There is a GitHub issue for that turn_off switch created for network client immediately turns on again · Issue #81819 · home-assistant/core · GitHub it will be fixed with 2022.11.3