Wifi Gosund plug

Does the Tuya integration allow you to also change the bulbs color?

People, hello everyone.
Can anyone suggest how you can connect this plug to the Home Assistant?
Is it possible to flash it on tasmota or ESP?
I can take pictures in the open.

If you just purchase it then you need to connect either using TUYA V2 or Local Tuya. Unless you are planning to crack it open. Also some of the latest TUYA product already change their chip which is not available for ESP or TASMOTA.

I already have these sockets, they can connect with MiHome, but I canā€™t add them to Tuya Smart app in any way. Or are you talking about some other way to connect them to Tuya?
Just in case, here are photos of the disassembled socket.

You wrote about TUYA V2, tell me what it is?

Just realize that you own the mi version and not a tuya version (I guess the have multiple system). Base on your picture it have ESP 8285 chip which I believe can be flash. And since you already have it crack open then you need to find a guide to flash it. Iā€™m no expert in flashing, so maybe someone can help you out. Look for digiblurDIY youtube channel or maybe join his discord channel for assistant. Soldering required in your case

Thank you for your help and tips.
Soldering is not a problem for me.
Can someone else answer while I research this question.

Hi! Take a look at Using with Sonoff S20.

It appears that the ESP chip are identical- ESP8285.

I found only one mention of the esp8285 platform on the ESP site.
But Iā€™m not sure what will work with this.
If I incorrectly specify the GPIO pins in the firmware, will it not kill the device? Will it just not be properly managed?

Check DigiBlurDIY youtubeā€¦ he is the master of soldering and flashing. He might be able to help you

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Can anyone confirm that if you use the Tuya (cloud) integration (with Smart Life as app), the used energy is available in Home Assistant?

Once you flash it and remove the Tuya firmware there is no access to it via the Tuya app or integration. If you use ESPhome then access is available in HA using ESPhome.

Thanks @BertrumUK, but I donā€™t want to flash them, just used them as is thru the Smartlife app.

Ok I see what you was asking - my bad.

Yes you can pull the energy data into HA using the Tuya Integration as well as through the app.

Thanks! Ordered and will report back with my findings, for others that might want to know the answer.

Would you be so kind to explain how to do it?

You can add them through the Tuya Integration and via local tuya using HACS

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Thanks for that. Got it running in no time :slight_smile:

I managed to flashed a Gosund Wp6 plug using Tuya Convert. Created the Gosund wp6 template in tasmota gui. I was under the impression when I bought this plug that it can monitor power. But I am not seeing in mqtt explorer. Wp6 can only turn on/off power??

INFO1 = {"Module":"Gosund WP6","Version":"9.2.0(lite)","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_19A19E_fb/","GroupTopic":"tasmota/tasmotas/cmnd/"}
INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"washer_plug-0414","IPAddress":""}
INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Power On"}
STATE = {"Time":"2022-05-10T07:34:09","Uptime":"0T00:25:09","UptimeSec":1509,"Vcc":3.555,"Heap":29,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"rice_dwarf","BSSId":"E4:C3:xx:xx:66:xx","Channel":7,"RSSI":52,"Signal":-74,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}

Update: I found a working template that will work for the monitor power on the WP6 that has monitor power. I used this template.

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Hi All,
Very new to home assistant, managed to get a few things working but Iā€™ve just added the tuya integration after using the smart life app to link to 3 devices.
Iā€™ve created an account in tuya and I can see the 3 devices, I can see the tuya integration in home assistant but how do I now control the 3 devices within the tuya solution?

Wow. I just tried to set up the Tuya IOT cloud access. That has to be one the worst and most broken experiences Iā€™ve ever had. And after jumping through all the hoops, I canā€™t even get HA to connect to it.