WiFi inline switch

The Sonoff Basic R3 looks somewhat nicer to me.

The R3 does look a bit nicer.
I think that given i have a few of them laying around, im just going to spray paint the normal Sonoff Basic case, and see how that goes.

The wifi plug and xiaomi button is a good idea though.

Hey @tom_l . Did you build this enclosure yourself? Ive got a few sonoff’s around the house now, powering lamps, working great… but now have a toddler who has just gotten mobile and she loves pulling cables (garrghh!!), so im paranoid about the hack wiring ive done, and how easy it might be to access a live wire (God forbid!!). Was thinking about a more primitive heat shrink (if they come that big?!) solution around the whole thing… but your picture is another option. Be keen to know about it. And if you lined up that button to the sonoff button.

Thanks, Keiran

Heatshrink does come in sizes large enough to fit over a sonoff but it won’t shrink down enough to securely hold the cable. I guess one way would be to fold the cables over the sonoff so they exit the opposite side they are fixed to. Then heatshrink.

Yes I did build that enclosure. No the button is a complete replacement soldered in parallel with the existing PCB mounted button and LED.

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