After much trial and error, I’ve finally perfected my light switch enough to share it. This will allow you to fit a sonoff inside a normal North America style receptacle outlet box, and fit in nicely behind a Decora style switch plate.
This uses a Sonoff basic flashed with the Tasmota firmware, which full integrates into home assistant over MQTT.
These are printed using PLA. I like working with PLA much more than ABS. When it comes down to sanding and finishing a product, I find PLA just works better and has less problems (little to no shrinkage).
I find when you work your way up to 2000 grit paper, the haze is very little with PLA. Once you’re all smooth, any car polish on a foam pad will buff the haze to a shiny sheen finish. I haven’t worked too much with ABS for various reasons, PLA has always been my personal choice. Smells better in my house lol.
Does it ever! My partner thought I was chopping up wood in the basement haha. I love it. My most recent print ended up clogging the nozzle though, so I’m going to wait to print more wood until I get some more nozzles as a backup.