Wifi network with spaces in name

Hi there,
I am new to all of this, so please excuse my very elementary question. I’m setting up hass.io on a friend’s network, and his wifi is named “Tyler Wifi Network”. When I set up the wifi config file, I’m not having any success (getting the dreaded wlan 0 link is not ready error), and I’m wondering whether part of the issue lies with the naming of the network.

SSID=Tyler Wifi Network
SSID="Tyler Wifi Network"
SSID='Tyler Wifi Network'

Do I name it with quotes, without quotes, single quote, double quote? I’ve tried searching for a solution but found multiple answers, and none of them seem to work.

And in case you’re wondering, I’ve tried installing with ethernet connection, and even this didn’t work. So maybe this isn’t even the root cause issue?


If you are installing on a brand new Raspberry Pi 3 B+ I think the wifi is initially disabled until you set your country code. Try running raspi-config if you haven’t yet.


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First off all, nothing is disabled on brand new Raspberries. Second, raspi-config is a Raspbian tool but the default installation of Hassio is not. Third, there is no terminal on hassio by default where you can run raspi-config .

Hassio is built on Hassos, a fork of Resin OS, which is a completely different OS to Raspbian.

Cool dude. Thanks for knowing so much.

The OP didn’t mention what hardware they installed on or if they used an installer or image.

Clearly you’re much smarter than me, but my hassio install was by command line in rasbian, because I could not locate a hassio image compatible with the 3 B+
Wifi is disabled in rassbian on new 3 B+ hardware until you set your country code… which I did after install… by remote terminal.

It probably isn’t the OP’s problem… but I figured I’d mention it because it takes 5 seconds to try.

Thank you all for your responses. I’ll try @stevemann response and see if that works.

I did not mention this is a brand new Raspberry Pi B+ with nothing installed on it except the image of Hass.io.

One more thought if all else fails. Homeassistant likes to interpret a “_” as a substitute for a space.

Anybody find the answer to this? I have an SSID with spaces in it and I’m having trouble getting Hass.io to connect.

Figured it out. For future reference, anybody who might be running into the same problem and search leads you here: just put the network in with no quotes, spaces and all.

So it would be:
ssid=Tyler Wifi Network