WiFi Smart Light Switch Flash Tasmota

My name is Filip and I’m new on this forum. IOT is new for my but I’m intrested in. I was trying to flash light switch by Sonota but I read that firmware 3.3(I saw the firmware version in Ewelink App) is not suported by Sonota. Here is my problem… I dont know how connect te light switch to usb adapter to flash by USB method. I know that I have to connect 5 cables to my switch ( I watched this tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPUq-SOzI-o)
My Switch isnt typical Sonoff so the plate is different and I dont know how to connect him. Could you help me? I would by very gratefull.

Here is the front of the switch

In the second photo, the round silver pads to the left of the chip are the test points to use for flashing.

The bottom two will be the transmit and receive data points (TX, RX), then two will be GND and 3.3V. The top one is GPI0 which will need to be shorted to enable flashing. It’s a bit hard to see from your photo the exact pin connections.

I suggest you download the ESP-8285 data sheet from Expressif and work out what pins the pads connect to. You will then need to solder some wires to those pads to enable you to connect your USB UART adapter.

Then follow any of the numerous flashing vids on youTube.

You should also check out the Tasmota wiki on GitHub, they have articles on a lot of Sonata hardware there.

Thanks for your reply!

Is my connection correct?

Your photo is upside down compared to how a chip would be presented on the data sheet, so I think you got confused with GPI0. I am pretty sure its the one with the pad connected.

Maybe my question is stupid but: Is the pad something silver?
Connection GND,RX,TX and 3.3V is ok? How do you know that ? I would like to learn how to ‘read’ a plate.

A pad is a flat space on a pcb where you would connect something.

In the case of your board the test points pads are those round silver things, yes.

If you have a local makerspace then that would be a good place to get some hands-on help with this stuff.

Thanks for all! I flashed it successfully :wink:

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