Hello there! I’m new to HASS and I’d like to do more with it. I want to integrate some kind of WiFi temperature (outdoor/indoor) monitor/sensor so that I can add it to my Home Assistant dashboard. Any recommendation as far as compatibility/configurability with Home Assistant?
You mean “hardwired”? I don’t want to string network cable to my back patio!
I want a WiFi Temerature sensor/monitor in the USA that will integrate directly with Home Assistant - without having to create a profile in the manufacturer’s cloud server. I don’t want a repeat experience with Insteon where all users and their devices were left useless after Insteon dropped dead! Good thing my researh on Insteon replacement led me to Home Assistant which can directly manage the devices connected to the Insteon hub. That’s my explanation on why I hate having to login to a cloud server to be able to control the device that I fully paid for!
No there’s Zwave, Zigbee, Wifi, Bluetooth, etc. etc. Don’t limit yourself by protocol.
That helps. Look at Zwave Devices, Zigbee Devices, ESP32 based devices. ALL of those run without ANY cloud.
There’s also publicly available services where you can just install an Integration and get the info with NO device. (See the National Weather Service Integration - put in your zipcode, or even a weather station ID… Voila, virtual weather sensor.)
Thanks. I already have a virtual integration but since I’m in a remote part of the country, it gives me inaccurate report. So, I want my own thermometer/hygrometer right outside in my patio.
I will look into your recommended devices. Thanks.