Wifi thermostat (Beok, Floureon, Beca Energy) component

Just tried @algirdasc’s component but no luck, got an error “Integration floureon not found when trying to verify its climate platform”

Did copied all files from custom_components/floureon? What does the HA log say?

Seems to work for me, made a new folder in custom_components (floureon) and it worked.
I’m just using mine as a on off, triggered from nodered, do i need to set the autotune or pid time ? as i just want on or off (i set it to 35 degrees for on and then 15 when off)

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I got that when i validated my config, i had to restart so it loaded the custom_component

It’s not loaded so it fails the config check.

If you need just on/off you do not need setting any of PID parameters as long as you do not enable ECO preset.

I still have to set check_interval: tho, as otherwise it won’t load.

Here is my config runned on hassio:

  - platform: floureon
    name: floor_kitchen
    mac: "34:EA:34:70:55:3B"
     seconds: 30
     seconds: 15
    Directory: \\hassio\config\custom_components\floureon

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       26.07.2019     12:57          18450 climate.py
-a----       26.07.2019     12:57            202 manifest.json
-a----       26.07.2019     12:57          11998 pid_controller.py
-a----       27.07.2019     10:56              0 __init__.py

Ahaha, it looks really strange because today i’ve uncommented back floureon block and it works now. Some kind of magic.

Depending on how paranoid you are you might wanna remove the last few points of that Mac address …

so the heating came on last night, as one of the sensors reported below the temp i had set.
Heating never turned off, so i need to look at that as it was heating for 6 hours !

This is the second time the flat has tried to cook us in our sleep !

Disable the whole thing at the mo.

I’m sorry to hear that. Do you see any lines in home-asssistant.log refering to themorstat? Errors, warnings?

I think it was my rednode flow that turned it on ! I’ll have a test to night and see if it can turn it on and off.
I’ll post my changes to nodered incase others need them to make that version work.

its basically working for me, but what is exactly “eco mode”? i need more like “away mode” but i cant find this…

Eco mode is PID mode, but it is still more like WORK IN PROGRESS. Basically what it does is calculating how much time it needs to be on, to reach certain temperature. In perfect world it would “flatten” temperature curve to flat line, but heating depends on many factors, so in real life it should stabilize temperature curve and make it less amplitudical. I’ll try to implement Away mode in near future.

Just turned on again for 6 hours while I was out the house, thought I had fixed my nodered flow…

Obs not :tired_face:

I hate computers, I just made the whole flow again from new at it worked first time !

I’ll put it down to needed to update the code behind the service call box…

I guess next week I’ll drop PID support and leave only thermostat control. I’ll keep you updated.

I wouldn’t user it as my thermostat is in a hall way next to a radiator, so the reading it gives is all over the place !

Hi! I have your exact same problem with a similar thermostat.
I thought it was a Broadlink-like device and it’s a Tuya instead!
But I’ve found this lib https://github.com/unparagoned/njsTuya and I successfully did some test (on/off thermostat, set temperature…)
My only problem is that I don’t have too much time to write a Hassio addon, but I’ll have to do it in the next months (before winter!)


I’m interested in this component to attach WiFi thermostat to Home Assistant w/o internet connection to any cloud. No PID support is required for me.

What is the status? Is it operational on 0.98.x version of Home Assistant? Fotr the moment I look at BHT-002-GCL thermostat. As I understand this is another broadlink clone.

Can I use thermostat in two mode simultaneously (with HA control and with thermostat programs)?

Thanks for any information.

I just upgrade mine today to 98.x but haven’t been home to test yet.