Wifi thermostat (Beok, Floureon, Beca Energy) component

Seems to still work for me going from 96.x

Great news. Please can You share Your configuration, thermostat model and vendor? Whatā€™s Your impression after using it for a while? Does it work offline (w/o internet)?

Iā€™m choosing between Z-Wave thermostats (very expansive) and WiFi (most of them works over internet).

Thanks for any information.

Mine was an eBay one, I did list and take loads of pics ain a forum post on here.
Iā€™ll pull my config tomorrow as SSH access on my phone is a pain.

  - platform: floureon
    mac: 78:0f:77:d4:29:0f
    name: Thermostat
    check_interval: 120

and here is the link to the post I made with Pics


Please confirm this:

  1. Youā€™re using this component https://github.com/algirdasc/hass-components/tree/master/floureon
  2. Your thermostat doesnā€™t have internet access and You can control it over Home Assistant

If yes on both questions I will buy a similar thermostat. :wink:

Yes to both.
Iā€™ve blocked all internet access fro. my firewall for this device. Tho I do believe you need internet when you first setup the device, and I seem to remember reading that the app sent the WiFi password in plain text to the thermostat (tho I canā€™t find where I read that)

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Hi all. Iā€™m totally new in HA, iā€™m reading forum and sites to learn it. I own a Floureon thermostat and want to use it in HA. I have some question:

  • Which is the component to use? Clemental or Algirdasc?
  • Is the Clemental component integrated in HA (iā€™m still waiting my Raspberry to install HA for the first time) and working on latest HA?
  • On Algirdasc component how schedule works? I have seen an optional parameter related to, but how it should be used?

Thank you.

  • Sorry, i canā€™t understandā€¦ Pid support is now working well or not? I read in the past that you wanted to
    remove itā€¦
  • What do you mean for ā€œECO presetā€?

PID is not working well and Iā€™m planning on removing this feature as it is not proven itself and it is too complex. If you need PID feature it could be achieved by external tools or automation (such as NodeRED). Iā€™m planning update component when heating season comes, somewhere around begining of October

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Hi there!! Iā€™m totally new with home assistant. Actually i am not able to communicate with my beko thermostat. I have tried all the configurations posted here and nothing worksā€¦ could anyone post his configuration? Folders, files inside and configurationfile please?
Thanks a lot!!

Few posts up someone has done just that.
FrankieFourFinger on the 28th of Jul

Hi algirdasc. Iā€™m using your component now with my Floureon thermostat. It is working but i think there is a bug:

  1. My setting inside Floureon is 19Ā°C target temp and 16Ā°C min temp (away temperature).
  2. Timer setting for only to work from 18:00PM to 22:00PM 7 days/week.

Problem is that if i click on AUTO toggle on thermostat HA panel, temperature is always set to 19Ā°C even if the time is out of work period. This is a wrong behavior because if i activate AUTO mode outside of the working time, set temperature must remain to 16Ā°C (away temp).

To have back thermostat temp in right setting i have to open standard thermostat APP and click AUTO there.

Thanks, iā€™ll give it a try!

Actually it did not workā€¦

Here it is my configuration:


# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml

  - platform: floureon
    name: Termostato_Salon
    mac: "78:0F:77:EB:DB:1E"
     seconds: 30
     seconds: 15

Then, the content of my folder /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/floureon:


Is everything all right?

I have the following error:

Platform error climate.floureon - Integration floureon not found.

Thanks a lot.

Iā€™ve not got the init.py file, but i do have a pid_controller.py

Did you get those files from right link (there are bout 3 different links to different projects in the threadā€¦)

Thanks, Iā€™ll look in to this situation.

Same error with algirdasc filesā€¦ Iā€™m doing something wrong but I donā€™t know what is itā€¦

The right name of the file is __init__.py
You see the ā€œdotā€ in it?
It is obligatory to have a file __init__.py in custom components. Donā€™t remember from which version of HA exactly.

Hello once again.

I have received a thermostat. Will be at installation location only on weekend. Now test it. Found one caveat. After power disconnect it remember temperature, mode and scheduling. But doesbā€™t remember time and day od week.

Did You try to power it down? If it is forbidden to access internet for this device how can it take a time (NTP for example)?

Time will be set by floereon component.