Wifi thermostat (Beok, Floureon, Beca Energy) component

Hello @fashberg, thanks. I can also confirm that the firmware works on BHT-3000

Is it possible to integrate BHT-6000 on home assistant?

Alw works with auto discovery already.please also check the github pages for release notes. I’ve 3 alw working great with fashberg firmware for a month now

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Hello !

I use 7 “climate” thermostats for electric heating and it works well.

I would like to have a box of this type that would serve as a remote control, the M button would allow me to switch from one thermostat to another and dynamically adjust the set temperature 

So I’m looking for ideas.

I can do it with a simple + and - switch, but then I wouldn’t have the return display of the selected setpoint temperature
 Thanks for ideas


Helo how use thermoval tvt 31 by component floureon i add but No data return thermostat 

Hi I have the beok BOT -313 Thermostat look the same as yours, can you help me with the setup, I am a newbie so would really appreciate any help you could provide what I need to install where to put script etc

Thank you in advance

Hello! Would you be able to share some more details? (Could be in polish). What do you use as a api key? Is it only a matter of adding custom component and those lines in the configuration file ?

Thank you in advance!

Yes, you install custom component named

Floureon Thermostat

via HACS and add this you your configuration.yaml

- platform: floureon

  name: floor_kitchen

  host: 192.168.10.XX

  use_external_temp: false

Hi! After all this time and reading all the posts I would like to install your original component (I want to avoid the local broadlink solution since my thermostat is in a remote location -not in the same LAN as Hass, but I have managed to get the ID) but after installing the component in custom_components/climate and adding the few lines in the configuration.yaml file, when testing it in the hass platform I get: “Platform error climate.wifithermostat - Integration ‘wifithermostat’ not found.”
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance!

Hogy kell beintergrĂĄlni? nekem e280 -van

I found one very cheap so I’m wondering if it’s okay? I need one for a gas water boiler.

This configuration works fine.
It is worth adding

unique id: thermoval

Hi, were you successful in adding the HY08WE thermostat to the HA? I could use some definitions of the entities, I’m still struggling somehow. Thanks.

Pokud termostat umoĆŸĆˆuje pƙipojenĂ­ podlahovĂ©ho čidla, pak je to hodnota “external”. “Internal” je termostat v pƙístroji.

I am afraid HY08 are Tuya devices. You can try Local Tuya integration.

Hello, I have find this Thermostat, and i would like to integrate in HA, this thermostat only have wifi, i asked on Alibaba and Aliexpress to buy a Zigbee Version but no luck. Did anyone have tried this to integrate?