Wifi Water Leak Detector

Did any of you guys tried to do this with a leakage sensor rope like this one?

a good idea, but the picture showsthey have used insulated wire for the sence pair? how would water conduct ?
looking at other sellers it might be the yellow absorbs water and shorts the internal coductors.

To be honest I have no idea, it is used with other products like this https://a.aliexpress.com/_mq1bPwo

I have a big area to cover and using just one cable like in the initial post doest really help that much

ive just gone and ordered a meter to see what its like.

Cool! Let us know if it works please!

the tracking is saying its in my country so should be with me soon

If using a 5V supply (not 3.3V), what are the resistance and capacitance values ​​to use?

ive just gone and ordered a meter to see what its like.

Were you able to set this up?

I looked at it and could not get anything from it. The resistace did not change when a small section was placed into water. Perhaps a larger amount of cable neaded to be submerged for a long time? but it would not work in my use case.