WiiM Pro Media player API and REST commands?

hey guys need a little help: Ive got this in my config.yaml

    url: ""
    verify_ssl: false

When I type the URL into a browser it works BUT when I call the RESTful Command: wiim_pro_bluetooth in developer/services it doesnt work. Seems pretty simple and straightforward but obviously I am missing something?

HTTP API for WiiM Mini.pdf (wiimhome.com)

What do your logs say?

Nothing… No errors.

Are you trying to say that even with logging at maximum, the calling of the service from Developer Tools never produces anything in the log file? Hard to credit really.

Looking at the docs you may need to split the url and the payload.

yep nothing.

If I change the URL and say put :80 on the end of the URL to It flags an error.

If I do a curl -k “
on the command line it works fine

What do you have your log level set to?

So heres the stupid bit.

Ive switched to useing curl commands because it works in the CLI.
In config.yaml


  wiim_pro_optical: curl -k "https:xxx.xxx.xx.x/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:switchmode:optical"

  wiim_pro_volume_set: curl -k "https://xxx.xxx.xx.x/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:vol:{{ states("input_number.wiim_volume") }}"

In automations

This works.

alias: set_wim_volume

  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_number.wiim_volume
  - service: shell_command.wiim_pro_volume_set
    data: {}

This DOES NOT WORK and returns with an error code 3

alias: wiim optical
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.wiim_optical
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: shell_command.wiim_pro_optical
    data: {}

If I call the same URL in a browser they both work and come back with a response of “OK.”
If I use the curl command in the HA CLI - they both also work correctly

Im such a moron…


Doesn’t look like the WiiM is natively integrated. do you have to still use the direct rest commands? Or does it show up as a Chromecast device ?

Found this. Looks great. Would be really keen to know if it lets you control the volume.

The source says it does. Ready to test, it ask their GitHub.