I feel like I know the answer to this question is “no,” but I’m asking anyway just to be sure. I have an old Hubitat Elevation hub with a usb z-wave stick. If I were to physically use that same stick with my HA Yellow hub, would the z-wave network transfer over with it, or would I still need to manually exclude then include each device to the new network?
If this Z-Wave dongle has already been paired with secure devices, you need to enter the previously used network key as the S0 network key. S2 security keys will be automatically generated for you.
My understanding is Yes, it will transfer. Really the network is saved on stick
As stated, you need security keys or secure paired devices won’t work.
Thanks! Follow-up question, do you know how I would go about getting the S0 key from the Hubitat?
wasn’t hard to find in Z-Way and openHAB, but I’ve never used Hubitat, sorry!
You will need to ask on the Hubitat forums for that but you should be able to move it over without too much problem. In my own case, moving from Indigo to HA, I had about half my devices fail because the definitions from Indigo were quite different than the Z-Wave implementation here, so I had to re-pair those devices. Since then, though, I had a Z-Stick fail on me and was able to restore the backup of my failed stick to a new one without having to re-pair anything.
Once you have your security tokens from Hubitat (and/or any system) then copy them to a file somewhere on your computer so you always have them - you never know when you are in a situation that requires it and since so many devices are no longer S0 anymore it’s more important than it was when the only things you had to worry about were your secure locks.