Will this doorbell work?

Is see several doorbells but have trouble figuring out if it will work with home assistant.

Would this one work:

Smart WiFi Security Deurbel met Visuele Opname Laag Stroomverbruik Remote Home Monitoring Nachtzicht Video Deurtelefoon

Short answer: NO

Long answer: Maybe buy depends on below…

If camera support RTSP you may easily get video into HA
If audio is function of SIP you may get 2way audio
If doorbell has some API or standard method that may be used as sensor in HA doorbell and other sensor can work
If it has poor security and easy to have and rewite some internal code or create script to check it can work.

I would expect that you must create some hack for this to work

I think all the reviews are fake

So i ordered this product on AliExpress. Works great via the app XBell. However, i really would like to integrate this in Home Assistant. Any idea how? Since it pushes the images and notifications to my phone on cellular, Hass could use that hopefully.

Link to store:

Just a general comment … I have installed a motion sensor in front of my door which is triggering

  • a set of notification in my house and to my phone
  • switching on the outside light during night time
  • start recording the front-door camera and send the feed to my phone (or to my KODI TV if switched on)

I saw no need for a dedicated Doorbell system as my flexibilty is much higher in my current setup

Nice setup.

I have a UniFi camera that records on motion, but how did you solve it, when someone actually presses the doorbell?

Actually, I do not have a doorbell button anymore. My camera is as well configured to start recording on motion. The doorbell motion sensor is triggering the notifications and follow up actions like

  • Telegram message to my phone
  • Doorbell-Sound via Sonos
  • Sending Camera recording to phone (via Telegram)
  • Sending Camera Live feed to KODI (if somebode is watching TV)

With this setup all activities at the front door are captured including Package delivery. The only thing missing at moment is a Two-Way talking system, but this is in planning mode

All automation is done with Node-Red

Hello Thomas,

I read your answer on the home assistant community. I’m very interested in your doorbell option.
You work with node red. That’s perfect for me as well.

Maybe you can help me with your flow(s) so that I can see how you made this. That would be nice.

I will tell you my setup till now:

  • Home assistant on rasberry pi 3.0
  • node red
  • 6x shelly dimmer2
  • 2x shelly 1L
  • 1x shelly plug
  • 2x shelly button one

This was my first step. I can make now some automations in node red. And that’s perfect for me.

My next step is to work with doorsensors, motion sensors and cameras
I have orderd already 3 wyzecam V3 on amazon.com and also a Conbee II stick.
Because someone wrote that if you work with a lot of sensors then you must use Zigbee.

Now I am filling my shopping cart at alieexpress for the rest.

Can I use this motion sensor also for outside for your doorbell option? Or do you suggest something else?

maybe this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi there, my setup has slightly changed but I’m still using the same components

1) Doorbell via motion detection

  • I have setup a motion sensor outside my fence to detect any motion in front of the gate
  • the motion sensot has to be position carefully so only the front-gate is covered, otherwise you will get too many alerts
  • whenever a motion is detected I raise an alam in my atomation and an MP3 is played
  • I have a setup a schedule (7am - 10pm) to enable the MP3, otherwise there is a silent alarm on my phone via Telegram
  1. Motion detection in my front-yard
  • I have setuo 2 RTSP cameras in my front-yard and configured in motioneye
  • i did a brief description here
  • Motioneye is detecting a movement and sending a websocket alarm to my automation system Node-Red
  • Node-Red is raising an alam via MP3 during my alarm schedule (7pm to 7am) and seitich on the front-yard lights
  • Node-red is also sending the alarm video via Telegram to my phone
  1. Porch-light via motion detection
  • previously I used the motion sensor on the porch for my doorbell alert
  • now I’m using it to switch on the light on the porch

As said, I’m using Node-Red for all my automations and my flows are very custom but in general

  1. I use the Zigbee protocoll for most of my sensors and lights
  2. Some sensors working on RF protokol as they are not necessarily real-time relevant and very cheap :wink: … I use them primarily to check the indoor doors and some windows
  3. An RF receiver (Broadlink RM) is receving the RF alerts and sending them to node-red
  4. All my RTSP cameras are connected to Motioneye and alarms are sent to Node-Red via Websocket

I hope that helped a bit, let me know if you have some more specific questions … as said my flows are heavily customized and using the THINGS node to managing all my device entities.

the below flow is waiting for a motion in my halway and will switch on the light in the hallway for 3 minutes

[{"id":"8b615e5d5666923c","type":"Thing Trigger","z":"c545107f.26945","nodeName":"Switch.Hallway","triggerThing":{"path":"name","type":"str","value":"Switch.Hallway"},"triggerState":null,"triggerTest":null,"ignoreInit":false,"payload":{"type":"state","value":"click"},"x":320,"y":3580,"wires":[["820ef51be17391e3"]]},{"id":"820ef51be17391e3","type":"switch","z":"c545107f.26945","name":"single","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"single","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":730,"y":3580,"wires":[["d890f21204d02773"]]},{"id":"d890f21204d02773","type":"trigger","z":"c545107f.26945","name":"","op1":"","op2":"","op1type":"pay","op2type":"nul","duration":"1","extend":false,"overrideDelay":false,"units":"s","reset":"","bytopic":"all","topic":"topic","outputs":1,"x":900,"y":3580,"wires":[["dd61d738928f32b6"]]},{"id":"dd61d738928f32b6","type":"link out","z":"c545107f.26945","name":"","links":["52514708.712188"],"x":1055,"y":3580,"wires":[]}]

  • The THING node is getting updated by a central routine gathering the Zigbee events
  • only when the THING node is “Turning ON” than another routine managing my lights is gettig initiated
  • I use a trigger node to eliminate fast ON/OFF signals
  • I know this will not help you directly, but my flows are very modular and I do not have an end-to-end flow just for doorbell

For example:

  1. I have a central flow to receive all Zigbee messages. This node is updating my THING universe so I have all the states and events captured
  2. I have a dedicated flow just to switch ON/OFF my lights
  3. I have a dedicted flow for all my different alarms (MP3 via Sonos-Player, Flashing Lights, Sending Alarm messages via Telegram)
  4. I have a flow to handle all my alarms messages via Telegram
  5. and lots more of these … but not end-to-end flow :wink:


Thanks for your reply!

A lot of information for me for now. Your setup looks for me the perfect horizon to go. I have read it a few times.

I heard already a few things (RTSP, motioneye, thingsnode) I will look into that for the coming weeks. First wait for the camera’s.

I’m wondering what sort of sensors(brands) you use for inside. Outside maybe different I guess? In case of water protection…?

Maybe you (and other members of this forum) can help me with the purchasing which sensors I can use the best. That would be nice!

As said I’m using the Zigbee and RF protocol … I dont use a specific brand … I have a lot of noname products from Aliexpress because they are cheap and I’m experimenting a lot… for me it is important they support the protocol I’m using and providing the features I’m looking for.

I have a few sensors outside (from Aliexpress) which are Waterproof but they are expensive … I also have cheap sensors outside which i protected just with a small platic-zip bag… and it works as well.

Dont spent a lot of money on brands when you start and dont know where you want to go … keep trying

For those still wanting to use a doorbell; Frenck’s doorbell works good (with any doorcam)

(and I too use a very cheap camera, using MotionEye as Motion detector)