Will this show correct energy consumption?

Hello! With my Heat/AC pump model Daikin there was created a sensor named “sensor.daikinap42587_heat_energy_consumption”.
And according to this site:

This is how it looks in the settings:

It do show me the energy kwh per hour.
Knowing that, if i put that sensor in this code:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 168h
  title: Värmepump Energi Värme 24h
  show: true
  - entity: sensor.daikinap42587_heat_energy_consumption
    type: column
    name: Värmepump Energi Värme
      func: sum
      duration: 24h

Will that show me correct consumption per day?
It do show up like this:

But it seem to show the energy between the middle of the days? Not 00:00 to 24:59?
Or am I missing something?


Did you resolve this? I’m stuck with the same with my daiken heat pump.

no, sorry!

If you check the app (Daikins own app) it seem to show the energy per 2 hour period.