I’ll try. I’m also without any knowledge about python, so it is hard for me to “read” the code. But what I forgot to mention is I’m using a MultiWin+. How do you read the configuration? I’ve 3 heating circuits. maybe they using different numbers one is at 0/26/…
I realized how tight your integration with the BiOWin system is. Cloud you provide me your OID’s. So I can compare them with mine and change the code, to support my MultiWin+.
I tested you updated code, but do have the same errors.
I read OIDs from the BioWin’s HTTP interface. The fetch_all() method in client.py is in charge of scanning the bus to read everything on it. It then determine devices based on “fctType” :
14 = Climate Control
9 = Heater
I have only 1 Heater (BioWin 2) and 1 Climate Control. Adding logs in the fetch_all() function can help displaying what’s on the bus, and what are the “fctType”.
You can do it by hand with cURL with something like this :
I see 2 climates control (UML FBH and UML HK1). They should popup into HA.
I don’t know what is “WVF” (function = 15 ?). Maybe it’s your MultiWin+ heater ?
You can explore the OIDs by change de prefix in the query :
Example for the WVF node :
curl “http:///api/1.0/lookup/1/20” --digest -u USER:{pass}