🦟 Window aware light controls (e.g. to avoid mosquitos)

Annoyed of mosquito and other insects that are attracted to light in your house when a window is open and it’s dark outside? Well then the following automation might be useful.

Turn off active lights when a window is opened. As soon as the window is closed, turn these lights on again. The nice part of this blueprint is, that it will only turn on the lights that were active before the window was opened


  • :warning: :warning: :warning: You must make sure to select entities (green badges). Lights for areas and devices can’t be turned on again at the moment

  • The blueprint will wait max. 2h to close the window again before it cancels the execution


Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.



I had this done with Node-Red. Going to test your blueprint the next days!

great little blueprint. would be good to turn on a smartsocket that has a mozzie repellent (high freq noise or the ones which heat up and produce vapour) as an action