Window Blinds Automation not Working

Hi. I’ve just installed an Aqara E1 Window blind motor using ZHA and am trying to get it to work via automation but can’t, so I’m after some help please.

I added the device in ZHA, changed the analogue_output > max_present_value to 100 (as mentioned in many other posts).

I can work the blinds through UI slider with no problem but the below test automation to half open the blinds does absolutely nothing. Any help appreciated, as it’s giving me a headache.

- alias: TEST BLINDS
  id: test_blinds
    platform: time
    at: '12:38:00'
    - service: cover.set_cover_position
        entity_id: cover.living_room_blinds
        position: 50

This is the log book trace result which I don’t understand why a window blind motor wouldn’t support this service:

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