Couple of things - first, be sure to use preformatted text when posting code so that it’s readable. Indentation is significant.
Also - it looks like you’ve got the wrong services. I don’t have blinds, so I’m not sure what the correct service is, but you can check the available services in the service dev tool in HASS (buttons at bottom of left-sidebar).
It looks like you’re combining services and entity_id’s. Take a look at that example - they’re controlling blinds with switch.turn_off
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.blind
switch.turn_off is a service available to every HASS install. switch.blind is particular to that users configuration. Use the states dev tool to see a list of all of the entity_id’s that are available in your setup.
it still does not work, the web interface shows me the 2 new switches, but If i click on them, nothing happens.
(I commented also the entity_id out, to test if this will help)
You never want to comment out an entity_id. Pretty much every service requires an entity_id. Calling cover.open_cover is like saying “open the door”. Without an entity_id, it doesn’t know which.
When you’re testing the open_cover service, are you passing it the data like this: {"entity_id":"cover.IEQ0148665"} ?
Also - you should be able to trigger those automations from the UI. IIRC, the switch will enable/disable. Click on an automation and you should see a “trigger” link.
Just a thought - but I wonder if you’ve got a case issue. Have you tried
entity_id: cover.ieq0148665