Windows 10: device_tracker ping does not work?

Can I quickly check if device_tracker using ping still won’t work in Windows platform?

I understand back in February 17, @michael.muir is having the same problem in his Windows Server 2008.

In this case, I am running WIndows 10.

The config that I have is very simple:

  - platform: ping
    interval_seconds: 12
    consider_home: 180
      luther: XX.X.X.XX

Config checks out OK, no error.
Have restarted Home Assistant several times now and still can’t see any new entry at the top of states section of the web UI.
No errors whatsoever; ping XX.X.X.XX is OK.
And apparently known_devices.yml supposedly created by Home Assistant when device_tracker is enabled but I couldn’t see any known_devices.yml created.

Do you notice anything wrong with the above codes or Windows platform does not support device_tracker via ping?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out is it me or is it the Windows limitation.

I can’t get it to work either so I went the ping platform binary_sensor route…

- platform: ping
  count: 2
  name: PingRouter
- platform: ping
  count: 2
  name: PingLivingroomMinerS3
- platform: ping
  count: 2
  name: PingAvalon6RPI1
- platform: ping
  count: 2
  name: PingGoogle

Are you getting the same error as I do?

This is from the logger:

[] No response from XX.X.X.XX failed = 1

I will read this, thanks @keithh666

Question …

@keithh666 how do you put this into practice as this is not using device_tracker …

I guess my intention is to show the state when I am home or away

Use a template for that, I just use it to determine if my router goes offline and if it does I use an RF switch to power it off for 10s and then back on.

For e.g.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'RFL Greenhouse Door'
      value_template: >-
        {%- if states.eurodomest_25a44d_01.state == 'on' %}
        {%- elif states.eurodomest_25a44d_00.state == 'on' %}
        {%- endif %}
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I ended up moving to an Ubuntu VM so I can’t help you any further on this however another idea that could be useful to you is the following if you want to stick to Windows:

If using Android phones download Tasker and when you attach to the home WiFi just publish to a MQTT topic and use that as your presence detection.