My setup is a Windows 10 machine, where I run VirtualBox, running Ubuntu, and then Home Assistant in a container.
I have it all working, but was having issues with HUSBZB-1 when I rebooted. So when plugged into Windows, it would show up as 3 unknown devices, “Test Device” and 2 Ports. I would just pass through the USB to the container and Ubuntu would create /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyUSB1. The issue was after a reboot, you had to unplug and plug the USB device back in and then redo the USB passthrough to the container.
So I found these Windows drivers.
I installed them manually, the 2 Port devices, browsed to the INF in the CP210x USB to UART Bridge device and it made 2 COM ports.
I then changed VirtualBox to pass through the 2 COM ports and not the USB device and changed my config to /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1.
It all seems to work and it also works when I shutdown or reboot.
I was curious if anyone else had this setup?
I also still have this “Test Device” listed under unknown devices, anyone know what driver should be used there?