Windows says 8123 is denying access

go to your VMware machine, in the HA CLI
type --help … read the easy guide, try to find your logs, or try restart HA

as you said, He choosed this way ( as many, if not a vast majority ) learn to respect peoples choices, and work on your attitude

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Sorry for the misunderstanding. I installed a LINUX instance on a Windows machine. So HA is running as a Linux instance on VirtualBox. Thanks all for the input. Keep your suggestions coming as there is still no solution. If I cannot get it going, I’ll reinstall this weekend.

I have a tip for you: next time you ask for help, consider giving these details in your OP.
To be clear, I’m not saying this in a bad way at all but if you see the number of replies and the time it took to come with this info… :thinking:

appreciate the advice Nick. I’m a bit of a newbie and any recommendations/suggestions are well taken. Thank you.

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Stumped…Reset Windows Network Settings on Host, Reinstalled Latest VM VirtualBox, Rebuilt new HA setup, still ok with homeassistant.local:4357 (shows all good) but cannot get to homeassistant.local:8123. In addition, the host is and ping on network looks good, but I cannot get a response from or

That IP might be of the virtual router and bit of the HA VM, which explains why you can ping it, but not open any other ports.
Check the monitor on you HA installation for the correct info.

or just run “netstat” then yuo’ll see whether it’s your main router who respond

and as Wally says, check the CLI ( commandline console) in your VM, there you’ll get HA’s information, and can continue trouble shooting from there

as mention type " --help " in the console , we can not help you further, by only “seeing” why you write, as visual snapshot of your i.e ha-network setting says more

in the VM’s Console , where the cursor blinks , type " network info "

Does this info help?

sure , try

PS: after this, login to your main router, under LAN/DHCP-Server lookup ( should have the name homeassistant ), make a "reservation/- or bind ip to name/MAC , so you prevent the same again, as it seems like your HA’s IP have changed

also note that NABU CASA still cannot see the HA instance.

what about http ? , i dont use NABU C, so i cant help you with those settings, but i believe you have to change the IP there also , somewhere ( port-forwarding ), so it match 192-168-1-35

neither ip address .72 or .35 will allow access to ports 4357 or 8123. However, localhost is fine with 4357…just not 8123. Short of getting a new computer for the host, I’m not sure what my next steps are.

Have you change your NABU CASA settings ?

What is your NABU CASA address ? , (dont need to tell me) but have you tried with that ? ( not the internal IP )

How did you manage to setup NABU CASA on this new HA setup ?

PS: i assume you have tried HTTP not HTTPS and the local IP ? as i doubt you have NB nor SSL installed in the new HA

Now you know the IPv4 address, the disable the windows firewall completely and test again.

did…no difference. RE: NABU…I originally set it up via HA // cloud server.

can’t setup NABU on new HA instance without 8123. I have Teamviewer running on my Host to do remote in.