Windows says 8123 is denying access

To be honest, it’s very easy to “suspect” that you are playing “wack-a-mole” , in most case above, you don’t “respond/answer” on questions, but “trow a new ball” . And you don’t do most things people ask you to, not even if it’s mention 3 times, I in person felt AND saw this, and there are an amount of evidence on this above.

What causes your "behavior, i don’t know, but either you can’t or don’t read (properly ) the question/recommendations provided , or G-A-S about it, or really don’t understand the importance of it. It’s like you are on a whole other “ballgame”, or best suited to play with Lego.

  • RESET your Router to factory settings
  • Reinstall Windows
  • Download the “LATEST” version of the HA-Image ( not the 6.1 you kept installing !, spite i told you to download “LATEST” (to lazy to download, or just ignoring, what been said to you ? )
  • Install Latest (or v16) of VMware Player

IF you still having issues, and whatever NUC you said you had windows on, change the NIC or ditch the NUC.

I believe this “approach” should not be “way beyond your scope”
Thou i do wonder why “clicking” through windows, to windows logs( cording to a complete PATH list ) is “way beyond your scope” , or “typing” your way to HA-logs ( cording to a complete PATH list ) … or type " set logfile my telnet_logfile.txt " in a telnet-console, to get more-info in a plain-text file, automatically stored in your windows-profile folder

PS: if any of us in this forum was interested in your “coffee money” , we would need hourly pay up front

Scott, not to throw you under a bus but these guys are right: you are not easy to help.
We’re over 100 replies into this topic and still nowhere! :thinking:

If you let these observations, from multiple people, push you away: that’s a pity for you.
Using HA can be a PITA sometimes because if you don’t have enough knowledge you have to rely on others and getting help in an interactive way, makes you dependent on something like this forum.

fixed. thx for the help

That’s good news!

Please take the time to mark the answer as solution, you do that by selecting the three dots under the post:


Then select the check box:


This can be useful to other users as well and prevents that someone else steps in to try to help you.

Note: can you imagine that we are curious what the problem was and how you solved it?

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sorry for the delay Nick. So I don’t know if I found out why, but I solved the issue. It was a combination of redownloading .vdi . Apparently it gets written to during install. Also, I had to change my user account to another name on Windows machine. This allowed me to access .local:8123. Don’t know why, but I’m on the same network with the same hardware as before.

Ok, let’s put it down to starting from scratch so you can use this reply as the solution and nobody else will jump in to try to help anymore and instead go for issues that are not solved yet.

great…thx for the assistance