Windows says 8123 is denying access

What is the result if you ping your HA IP?

So, supervisor is ok (, but HA is not (…

I think there is not much left to then restoring a backup.
You can try this from VM’s command line; type: backups --help to get some help on how to.

In case you have a recent backup downloaded somewhere, I’d recommend starting with a clean image, and upload it during the onboarding :wink:

it’s a clean ha installation he have, i think the 3rd new-installation since we started here

He’s simply not able to view HA through any browsers, it seems

so something else is wrong, somewhere

EDIT: and he previously(when it happend) had NABU CASA connection, but as the last few is new fresh installation, he had not even the option to enable NB, in HA ( don’t know whether he has “terminated/disabled/stop” the NB account.(or if that even is possible) , but previously he accessed ha through NB

@boheme61 What made you think that ??
Running VM image 2023_3 :thinking:

read further

EDIT: thought you said you had been “monitoring for awhile” ?

3 hours ago, when you came back in ( running VM 2023_5 )

boheme61…sorry, don’t understand your last.

which do you mean Scott ?

yes…missed that screenshot regarding VM 2023.3.

well it really puzzles me what can be the cause here, i would turn of all other devices(computers/phones laptops) only have the windows machine open, clear browsers, and windows mDNS, check Router/firewall settings

EDIT: and beside i use VMware as , i find it more stable, and simpel, i would make sure windows/browsers and is uptodate

not that i can figure out what causes this, but by excluding i might be easier, so i would also disable IPv6 as it shoved in HA, it had 2 IPv6, ready: true, And im not familiar Virtual-Box, other than i have the impression it not working good on windows, and with HA( or maybe that’s because more people here using VB, and the people using VMware dont have so many problems :slight_smile:

EDIT2: and i dont know how NB works, but he has an “running” NB account, that “points” towards his “old” ha installation

EDIT3: beside i would remove/disable the Routers ability to set “connection-specific-dns-suffix” in a mixed environment, With Windows, Apple and Linux, they tend to treat this “setting” differently

I also use VMWare (workstation), on a Debian 11 host…

But it still doesn’t make sense that supervisor is fine (, but HA is not (
And since supervisor runs fine, it also kindah rules out issue with vm and/or host :thinking:

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yeah, but with host i did mean VM( Virtual-Box ) as im not familiar with it ( and don’t like the Promiscuous Mode ) meaning i have no idea how VB “talks/acts” in a Mixed environment, in combination with “connection-specific-dns-suffix”

So shutting down all other IP device(even WIFI), would decrease communication , so one only have to focus on windows machines settings(it’s interface/(hopefully with firewall stopped) the VM(which i would prefer WMware) and HA, AND make sure there is no IP-Bans in the Browsers(oh well, telnet didn’t work either :slight_smile:

@lorcott I guess one have to dig deep into some “logfiles”

Browsers: … somewhere

Windows: Computermanagement/System Tools/Event Viewer/Windowslogs and Application and Services Logs

telnet(Collect Console Logs through Telnet | DrayTek) maybe 2-3 first screenshots !

HA( in VM-console type “login” hit enter , then you have to “cd” down to /homeassistant, “cd mnt” etc mnt/data /supervisor /homeassistant , there you find the logs(that we normally see in /config) …type “less home-assistant.log” and “less home-assistant.log1” look for potential errors

these suggestions are wonderful but way beyond my scope. Id like to buy someone a $25 coffee for figuring it out.

im sure “someone” would require logfiles etc., and attempt from your side to perform suggested actions, i know you have already done alot. But noone (not even someone) can guess what you are doing, or what you know “howto” or not

Sorry i can’t be of more help

I’m willing to put the time in. All I need is for someone with much more knowledge to request the necessary information. This truly sucks as I got very used to a smart home and I cannot imagine switching over to Apple HomeKit. :frowning:

could someone walk me thru opening port 8123 on my router? Would that help (even though local does not work?)

you should not open any ports to the WAN !, if that what you mean, and im not familiar with your Verizon Router, so i can’t guide you in any means, just the thing that you said you gave your ha a static-ip made me wonder, as some routers have “static-ips” outside the DHCP-scope, i don’t know where you set that “static-ip” ( but i believe your HA is stil setup/configured to use DHCP, and your network interface also) , again here it would been appropiate if you showed what you had done by providing a screenshot, it says alot more, sometimes all, and noone have to wonder what you’ve done or what you mean

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I feel you just playing wack-a-mole with us. Provide more than a Verizon router. Like model number. ISP modem make/model. Details help more than yes jumping on crumbs you provide.

dude…I totally appreciate the help but you’re kinda making me feel uncomfortable here. If you don’t want to help I understand…I’m doing my best!

Sorry that you feel that way, but you ignored questions without answers. You go off on your own in troubleshooting. So as it goes from here, others will read the thread and see that you really don’t want help.
Best of Luck in getting your HA working.

You’ve done everything with HA and the VM. So look at Windows itself. Did a update break something in the network because of security changes. You might just redo you network on windows (maybe a lot of work depending on if you have a network card or on board ethernet).
So that is my last suggestion.