I created a simple windows screen saver with a blank black screen.
The screen saver itself is simple, and the key integration component is that when the screen saver is activated, it makes an API call to home assistant
/API/states/binary_sensor.homer_in_use setting the value to false.
Then, I have an automation that watches for that value, and turns the office lights off when it changes.
I’ll never leave my office lights on again.
Wow, if sensors could be added from an .ini file, I could see something like this being very popular. Imagine having a screen saver with some of your critical sensors stats on it. That would be really neat!
I did something like what your talking about. I had home assistant creating a text file on my pc that was read by voxcommando and rainmeter to give me a live desktop display. I basically created an interactive floorplan kinda like the one we can use within home assistant but instead directly on my desktop.
@treno , that’s awesome. I was looking for something exactly like that. I am using a PC monitor foe a kiosk and I wanted to black it out and wake it up based on motion.
I am a bit green to HA to implement most of the solutions I’ve found so far. Is this something you plan to integrate into the platform?