Wink config, error and not authorized

Continuing the discussion from Wink config - Redirect URI is not authorized:

Hi there, I guess I’m revisiting this rather than starting another thread. I’m pretty new to HA, I’ve just got it up and running and having the same issues as above. Most of these posts assume you know the acronyms and terminology but it’s difficult to follow
I was trying to authorize my wink app with an old link I generated a few months back but didnt follow through with it. Since then, my HA changed IP addresses and I dont know if that affected things
I copied the ID and secret password but now when I click the ‘authorize wink’ link it freezes within HA. I tried to change the configurator.wink file but I can’t figure out how to delete or reset it to try again.
Not sure how to access my Wink API config to check it again
Hope you can help

So first thing to try is shutdown HA then inside your config folder there is a hidden file call .wink.conf delete it. Then start HA back up again and it should allow you to run through the setup again

Thanks, is that file on my laptop or the raspberry pi? I’m running HA through the web portal, is there a client I can download? I’m pretty new here, thanks for your patience

It’s on the raspberry pi, it’s in the directory you have your config files in. How do you access your config now?

You see, I’ve just set up HA on my raspberry and accessing it through the web portal on my PC. I havent done anything through the Pi yet, I can open the config file but when I try to list the files in the folder i dont get anything.

this is so frustrating, I’m not tech illiterate and have my home automated already but not with HA. I’m running HA on a Pi just off my router. Do I access that through a terminal on my laptop? I dont have that computer listed on my home network
Thanks for trying on this one, I honestly cannot figure this out

All I have on my Pi is a text terminal, if I’m supposed to have some graphic interface or something, I’ve done something wrong… Bloody hell

The text terminal is fine as long as you can find the directory the config is located in. I assume you are running If that is the case I am not too sure how that system works

Right… What do you suggest? I’m fine setting up a different way, the info I saw online was that this was the easiest… Should I reinstall a different software package?

It looks like from the terminal you should be able to navigate to /config
cd /config
And then after stopping HA you can delete the file
rm .wink.conf

thanks again
error reads ‘-bash: cd: too many arguments’

and ‘-bash: cd: /config: no such file or directory’

What the hell am I doing wrong here… should I just do a new install differently?

If you want, test our hassbian it’s not as rescrited as hassio and you will be able to get around to the correct locations easier.

If you want to try something before that, try installing the samba add-on for hassio and you can connect to the hassio directories via another computer graphically and try to remove the file.