Wink-MQTT has been updated to work with the latest Wink firmware and now Lutron switches

So, I have a Wink Hub only because I needed it for my Lutron Caseta light switches. The only downfall to having it was the delay over the internet. The delay sending commands wasn’t so bad, but it was pretty slow updating the status in Home-Assistant, which delayed some other automations I had. So I went and rooted the Wink hub and installed Wink-MQTT, but I noticed it wasn’t working correctly for my Lutron light switches.

I worked with the developer and he updated it so it now works with Lutron light switches and the latest Wink firmware.

I don’t know how popular rooted winks are around here, but it’s definitely worth a shot if you want faster updates and commands through the Wink.

If anyone is interested in how it’s done, I followed this tutorial to root it and used this guide to enable SSH (but I had to use some of this guide like the “mount -a” command).

Also, when installing wink-mqtt from another machine with NPM, you have to git clone wink-mqtt, cd to the ‘wink-mqtt’ directory, then run ‘npm install’ or ‘sudo npm install’. After that, you copy the files to the Wink. After copying the wink-mqtt files, you have to edit /opt/wink-mqtt/wink-mqtt.js and change the IP of your broker.

Here is what one of my Lutron light switches looks like:

- platform: mqtt  
  name: "Kitchen Light"  
  state_topic: "home/28/1"  
  command_topic: "home/28/1/set"  
  brightness_state_topic: "home/28/1"  
  brightness_command_topic: "home/28/1/set"  
  payload_on: "255"  
  payload_off: "0"  
  retain: true  

If there are a lot of questions, I will post more details on how to set it up.


I had read before (read months ago) that the new or updated wink hubs could not be rooted. is that no longer the case?

They can all be rooted using a USB to Serial adapter as shown in this link. Any firmware can be rooted.

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Thanks for reposting this here @scottocs; I was the guy who suggested it over at reddit.

I just did this with my wink do you have any pointers on listing out the topics? I have a smoke detector I am trying to discover.

Upon further investigation I don’t think the Mqtt service is running on wink. Looks like it gets hung on starting.

I use MQTT Lens Chrome App and then you subscribe to # to see all the topics.

Also, for some reason, the developer chose the topic name ‘home’ instead of ‘wink’ I changed it in wink-mqtt.js from ‘home’ to ‘wink’ so they would say wink.

Make sure that you have 'node-modules- folder inside ‘wink-mqtt’ folder on the wink. Also make sure to change the ip in wink-mqtt.js.

Check the log on the wink at /var/log/mqtt.log.

thanks for this. about to take the plunge and try and root my wink.

I am trying to get this going on my rooted wink hub but i dont seem to have enough free space to copy wink-mqtt over. Anyone else run into this/did i miss a step somewhere?

got it installed, hadn’t fully finished updating the firmware was the issue.

Using MQTT, what is the delay for sending commands and state events?

I just got a Wink v1 for $10, if it add any delay, I will likely just give it away and go buy a smartthings hub or replace my Vera3 w/ a VeraPlus