Wink push updates

Wink sensor updates seem to be working for me as well.

Same for me, they never stated there was an issue. They replied to my support ticket with the following.

"Thanks for reaching out, I would be more than happy to assist you with this.

This issue should be well resolved by this point. I would recommend force quitting the Wink app and restarting, as it should be updating correctly for you now."

That came in at about 2:30 EST which it may have been working at that point but it wasn’t working this morning or last night which is what I stated originally.

Working again here too.

I’m having this issue on the latest HA. any suggestions?

I have been having issues as well, but the issues are on Wink’s end for me. The sensors aren’t updating because of some sort of push update latency. Can you verify when you see this problem that the official Wink app is working? (Try to watch the app while you trigger a sensor, how long does the app take to update?) I noticed that it would take several minutes for the sensor to trigger. I called Wink last night when I had this issue and they said they hadn’t heard of any issues. If you do see an issue with the official app as well please give Wink support a call and let them know so they get more reports of the problem. Thanks.

thanks. my app runs fine, i see the history of sensor/light activity correct. the push update barely works. sometimes up to 10 mins, other times not at all. my workaround for now is to run wink refresh every minute.

  • alias: wink_refresh
    initial_state: ‘on’
    platform: time
    minutes: ‘/1’
    seconds: ‘00’
    • service: wink.refresh_state_from_wink

This seems to work. But I want to get away from this so i can setup triggers that happen right when wink devices are triggered and vice versa

So you are saying if you open the app up navigate to the sensors page stay on that page and trigger a sensor you see the change in the Wink app instantly? Because that is not what I am seeing with my app, which is why I think this is a Wink issue.

Also running the refresh every minute may cause your token to get revoked, I wouldn’t recommend that.

thanks for the heads up, i’ll change to 15 mins for now.

my app sees the change almost instantly (within 5 secs) on all sensors. Your issue sounds like a zwave signal issue. I had the same issue a while back, I noticed the zwave signal coming from wink seemed weak/inconsistent. So i put a zwave plus outlet/repeater within 5 feet of the wink hub, and after that, sensors were responding much quicker and more consistent.

I guess it is possible, the problem is everything has worked fine for 2+ years and it just started happening. I also only seem to notice it between like 7-10pm eastern. I also see the light flash on my hub instantly when a sensor is triggered but don’t get the update in HA or the app for several minutes.

Do you have a v1 hub or v2?

I agree it’s not a zwave problem. My Zigbee sensors and lights have the same issues around that time of day.

I have v2 and I bought the hub used. The previous owner complained that the hub didn’t work well after a year.