Wink push updates

I’m assuming it’s related to the issue Wink was having earlier, but I’m not getting updates from Wink in HA anymore. Calling the refresh state service or restarting HA updates the states but they fail to update after that. Anybody else seeing this?

Mine are working, but do seem delayed.

Mine seem to be hit or miss. Some update but others never will.

Are you seeing the same in the wink app?

Nope. Wink app is working fine. So is Stringify. Rebooted HA a couple times now with no luck.

If you make a change in homeassistant with the wink app open do you see the state change in the wink app?

Making the change in the wink app will not show any problem. Also making the change when opening the wink app won’t work either.

Wink makes the change locally in the app and assumes it works, it also refetches the state when you navigate back to the app and I believe calls out to the wink api on some sort of schedule.

Edit: I did some testing, you are correct. It looks like this is an issue with some devices but not other. It actually looks like it works fine for devices that aren’t controlled locally. Do you have local control enabled? It is almost like the hub isn’t pushing to pubnub like it should.

I attempted to enable local control but I am still getting the message in the logs that its reverting to the API. I’m using email/password so maybe that’s why?

I can’t figure out a rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes a light will show on in HA after I turn it on from the Wink app but then the same light won’t show off when I turn it off. Seems that all or most of my door sensors and motion sensors aren’t working.

Yeah same here. You can’t do local control without oauth.

There is for sure something still going on with pubnub and/or the Wink core API.

Their app does a good job of making issue like this seem like they aren’t there, which is great for the user, but makes it less likely for them to find…

I think I have heard from others that they don’t update the site unless users are actually reporting a problem.

The sensors are very unreliable even in the Wink app, lights and switches seem to work better in the official app, but I believe that is because of how they “fake” the current state in the app.
I am going to send them an email unfortunately their phone support just closed.

Thanks for that. I haven’t seen any real issues in the app but I’m not at home so it’s hard to tell how quickly things are actually happening.

Just curious, do you know how Stringify get its Wink info? I’ve noticed things that aren’t updating in HA are updating correctly in Stringify from what I can tell.

No idea how they are doing it, maybe polling and that’s why its working?

Still not updating lights and sensors correctly in Hass 55.
Notice it with Go-control door sensors, ge link light bulbs.
Wink app appears to be accurate.
Problem began yesterday 10/10.

same here. random (wink) entities update randomly…
but mostly not at all.
all other zwave/zigbee devices are fine.
refresh_state_from_wink refreshes properly. wink app works properly, but Hass does not always reflect the current state.
unfortunately, I upgraded to 0.55 at the same time as the Wink issue yesterday, so was not sure where to place the blame once the problem surfaced…

I am seeing issues in the wink app as well. Just not as often. Can someone try a downgrade and see if they are still having the problem? I have been running 55 in dev for awhile and not had a problem until yesterday, and since I am seeing this issue somewhat in the wink app I really think its on their side.

I’m still on 53.1. Still same issues as yesterday. Thinking this is on the Wink side.


My hub was offline from 2 am til 4 am last night. Do you suppose Wink is working the issue?

Still on 0.54 here and same… I’m betting Wink issue.

sounds like wink issue.
can someone summarize what we should report to wink ?(i.e. refresh token not recognized or whatever the actual problem is).
Then we can pelt wink support with the issue.
wink status shows no problems, but as mentioned before, they may not update status until hearing from users.

I believe the issue is still the issue they reported yesterday. There is an issue publishing device state changes.

The state changes aren’t being reported reliably to PubNub.

Hopefully not jinxing it, but I just got home and so far everything seems to be updating in HASS again as far as I can tell. I made a call to Wink when they opened and made them aware of my issue.

seems to be fixed here too.
everything has been working properly for the last couple hours