[WIP] Pebble Home Assistant App

The problem I haven’t worked out isn’t the post itself but rather what the resource and data necessary to send.

I believe I need to query what options are available for a device and then to display the necessary options to the menu.

The design of a HA app for Pebble is definitely more challenging compared with Hue as a Hue only has on/off/dim/bright where as HA has so many other things, including informational items!

That’s partly why I got the Hue thing working, right now my use case is only switches so there was a lot less for me to think about :slight_smile: I definitely see the hue emulation as a stop gap measure for my Pebble usage.

I just released v0.6. It now can control switches (and hopefully lights but I don’t have any to test with.)


Great! I’ll try that out when I get home :slight_smile: