Wired IOT not supported?

For reliability and expense reasons (routers, antennas, power supplies), wired connectivity is preferable to wifi, however wired solutions seems to be ignored.

I found an interesting discussion on wired Ethernet rings here: http://www.roedan.com/category/employee-blogs/chris-blog/
But they use a custom unpublished circuit-board.

A wired ring (serial or Ethernet ring) would be vastly superior to wifi for a large new building for example. All aperture sensors (windows and doors) could be on one ring.

Perhaps I am wrong but but all hardware offers presuppose use of wifi. Obviously devices that connect via Ethernet to a computer (camera, microphone, etc) can be integrated into Home assistant but what about specialist stuff such as aperture sensors, liquid level sensors, window breakage sensors, etc … all wifi?

(I already looked on MySensors.org)


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This project is more geared towards home use (hence the name) and many (most?) HA users don’t have an ethernet network their home. WiFi and mesh networks are easier to provision in these applications. Many of the sensors you mention would be used more in commercial applications.

There is support for wired technologies available in Home Assistant today. Beside the support for low-cost controller like the Arduino, is a Modbus implementation present. Support for process automation protocols like EtherCAT or Profibus will probably never be available. The reasons are that the hardware is pretty expensive for a home user and in most cases you don’t industrial-grade equipment.

Well, most PLC could probably handled like a hub.

Thanks guys for the pointers.
rpitera, there are a large number of new houses built each year. Wifi would be s stupid design decision in this case.

I think the market disagrees with you, but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Sure, Ethernet can solve problems, but most home users can easily live with Wi-Fi. The average person doesn’t have a broadband connection quicker than what 802.11g can handle, won’t have a problem with interference, and doesn’t own a home large enough to encounter range issues. Ethernet is only relevant if these issues exist and need to be solved.