WIreGuard QR code

I am trying to get WireGuard configured and I actually hope it is all done. My current problem is that I

  1. cannot visualize the qr code
    The directory with client.conf, private.key and qrcode.png exists. The size of the qrcode.png is 1021 bytes.

  2. when I select the file in the TOC of Studio Code Server (5.4.0) the file opens, but the page is simply white. Hence, I do not know if the qr code was not generated correctly or if Studio Code Server does not show png files.

  3. I tried to get a smb share to run, but my Windows machine does not want to connect.

  4. Having an ssh session in MobaXterm I can see the directory structure, but the folder with the three files from above does not open in the toc, only an ls -l will show the content, and where everything belongs to root. Using whoami I can confirm that I am root, but I cannot open the directory in the toc and cannot download the directory. WHen I try to do so MobaXterm returns with
    [Message from SSH-browser of tab #1]
    scp: /ssl/wireguard/phone: Permission denied

I have no idea on how to get my hands onto this qrcode.png.

another way i found to get the QRcode is by right click on that qrcode.png and download it, viewed using regular image viewer.

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