Wireless tag motion detection

I am having difficulties using motion detection on PIR sensor with wireless tag.
Wireless tag has the ability to push via url calling. Areas I am struggling with are …

  1. URL calling msg for motion detection and time out default to :
    motion detected: POST {“type”: “motion”, "id":{5}, “mac”:“EB942E26730C”, “state”: “on”}
    timeout: POST {“type”: “motion”, "id":{5}, “mac”:“EB942E26730C”, “state”: “off”}

For a PIR Sensor ID needs to be 2 not 5. I change it on the mytaglist.com site however upon every restart of home assistant it defaults back to 5. Leaving at 5 generates an error msg to me email upon every call and home assistant never changes state.

  1. Home assistant is able to successfully change state of binary motion sensor to on via URL calling but it somehow changes state to off before url call is made. It is finding another way to be updated. Ie not waiting for the timeout call. I have timeout set at 5 mins.

I would like to have a light triggered at motion on and then turn off at motion off. But motion off is happening too soon and at unpredictable times. If it would wait for the timeout call the automation would be very lit - so to speak.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.