Wirelesstag ALMOST got it...need a little help please

All, I have wirelesstag’s that measure light (lux). I also have motion blinds. I am trying to build an automation to open/close blinds based on lighting conditions. I have read here and other places and ALMOST have it, but NOT quite on the wirelesstag side.

Here is what I have:
configuration.yaml has:
username: XXXXXX
password: XXXXXX


  • platform: wirelesstag
    • light

I am trying to determine the correct TRIGGER settings for light conditions. The blinds piece is working (up/down based on cover.set). What should the trigger settings be exactly to get to trigger. I can see the sensor data changing over time from the wirelesstag state information over time, but I just don’t know how to set up the trigger…


Reading more forums, I ahve tried to set up with numaric state, have the entity, BELIEVE I need to use Unit of Measurement (lx in my case for light) and set a above or below. But not working.

platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.wirelesstag_office_light
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
below: ‘30000’
attribute: unit_of_measurement

Also under the developer tools state tab, I can see the attributes and the unit_of_measurement:lx

Based on below, what are the exact trigger steps as I can’t figure out. THANK YOU!

state_class: measurement
battery_level: 94
voltage: 3.00V
signal_strength: -81dBm
out_of_range: false
power_consumption: 12.16%
unit_of_measurement: lx
device_class: illuminance

DUHOOOHHH. I just had to REMOVE the unit of measurement from the trigger and just the numeric value; above or below… DUHHOOOOHHHHH.

No wonder every post I was reading was saying unit_of_measurement has not numeric value… IT is LX… TOTALLY understand now.

Once I removed this from trigger, WORKED!!!

May have spoke too soon. Someone told me to use TIME trigger and light CONDITION. That worked with above, but when I just try to do TRIGGER based on light sensing, it is a no go.

OK, now works. I set the trigger to TIME PATTERN. Using /15 min. Then use CONDITION as recommended, and now WORKS.

Not sure why it does not allow me to do a straight up TRIGGER with the sensor data, but NOW WORKING.

So the automation will CHECK every 15 minutes on lighting conditions. If above XXX (again, don’t include unit_of_measurement), close blind.