Wiresharke like integration


i am searching for an integrations that is able to sniff my network traffic. like wireshark
is there something out there that is simular to wirshark ?
maybe im to dump to use google, but i cant find something like that



what do you want to snif? traffic between your HA device and an other device, or the traffic between 2 devices in your network?
If you want traffic between your HA device and an other device you can install tshart (apk add tshark). Traffic between 2 devices in your network is another story. The traffic is only transmitted on the ports where the 2 devices are connected to.

Kind regards


I would also search for an integration to track traffic between two different devices (not traffic to HA). I see that is working via Wireshark, but a continues tracking tool would be nice.


Hi, I stumbled upon this thread trying to solve my Buffalo TeraStation NAS ā†’ NUT plugin connection issues.

Specifically, I need to understand why the NAS connects to the NUT instance but can not read UPS status. I tried looking for information about ā€œapk add tsharkā€ but I donā€™t know enough about the context. Is ā€˜tsharkā€™ a plugin for HAOS?

A HAOS plugin to debug IP traffic with other devices would be very useful.
